About MelioGuide

We help people like you safely and effectively build stronger bones, a stronger body, and reduce fracture risk.

About MelioGuide


MelioGuide /me-LI-o-ɡaɪd/

A guide created for men and women to intelligently build stronger bones, a stronger body, and reduce fall risk.

MelioGuide is the leading provider of exercise programs for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis.

Our programs include exercise recommendations for weight-bearing and strength training that build stronger bones. We also provide guidelines on safe movement for activities of daily living, strategies for fall prevention, and a guide to living with compression fractures.

Additionally, we provide programs for posture improvement, better balance, flexibility, and core strengthening.

Our programs are available in various formats including video and print.

We’re Just Getting Started


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About Margaret

Margaret is the author of three books, multiple online courses and  workout videos, and has trained thousands of health professionals across the United States and Canada on the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis.

For forty years, Margaret has helped individuals, like you, reach their full physical potential.

Margaret created MelioGuide for people to learn how to protect their bones, get strong, and achieve their health goals.

Our Story

In 2007, Richard and I saw a growing number of patients needing physical therapy for osteoporosis, osteopenia, and low bone density. Unfortunately, many people could not easily access this service. We started working on a way to reach more people. This planted the seed for what would become MelioGuide.

Twenty years later that seed has grown far beyond our expectations. We could not have gotten to where we are today without the support and input of health care professionals and clients.

We are honoured to be able to help you take control of your bone health.