Building a Stronger Core

This online course walks you through the journey of understanding the A, B, and Cs involved in safely building a stronger core. A strong core is an essential ingredient for a strong spine. The exercises are progressive to ensure you succeed safely.

Core Strength Training Exercises

The core strength training exercises in this online course are designed for both individuals and Health and Fitness Professionals who want to understand how to build a stronger core.

Course Objectives

By the end of this course you will be able to:

  1. Understand the building blocks that are essential to developing core strength.
  2. Understand the five variables that should be considered when issuing and progressing a Plank and/or Side Plank.
  3. Identify the appropriate exercises for core strengthening (either Plank and Side Plank).
planks for core strength

Benefits of Core Strength Training

  1. Core strength helps you maintain posture and alignment.
  2. Improved balance and increased stability of your spine.
  3. Reduced risk of injury in the spine and other joints. 
  4. Better lifting, pushing, and pulling movements.
  5. Improved sports and activities performance.

Important Points

  • One time purchase. No ongoing subscription charges.
  • Play as often as you want and when you want.
  • Available via streaming only. No DVDs (sorry).
  • There are NO advertisements when you play your video!
  • Can be done at home.