Yin Yoga for Osteoporosis

These online Yin Yoga routines invite relaxed, full breaths and slow, safe myofascial stretching. You'll feel more limber and flexible. You'll be able to relax with peace of mind, knowing that Margaret created both routines with your safety in mind.

Yin Yoga for Osteoporosis

Two Yin Yoga for osteoporosis routines that are safe for individuals concerned with their bone health.

Yin Yoga Videos

There are two routines in this title. One is done on the floor and the other uses a wall for support. The Floor Routine lasts approximately 32 minutes and the Wall Routine lasts almost 29 minutes. 

Both routines are wonderful for individuals concerned about the health of their spine from a disc, bone or joint perspective. You can rest at ease knowing the routines are safe for you.

You can learn more about safe Yoga practices in my Yoga Guide.

Important Points

  • One time purchase.
  • Play as often as you want and when you want.
  • Available via streaming only. No DVDs (sorry).
  • There are NO advertisements when you play your video!
  • Can be done at home.
yin yoga hypermobility video