Marodyne LiV Platform

The Marodyne low-intensity vibration (LiV) platform improves bone and muscle health.

Marodyne Low Intensity Vibration Platform

The Marodyne Low Intensity Vibration platform is designed to safely and effectively improve muscle and bone health. I recommend the device to many of my clients as a supplement to their osteoporosis exercise program.

I have written extensively on vibration therapy and osteoporosis, whole body vibration therapy contraindications, and the Marodyne LiV device. Please use these resources to inform yourself.

Marodyne Price Discount for MelioGuide Readers

You can contact Marodyne and they will address any questions you have. If you decide to purchase the device, they will give you the MelioGuide discount on the purchase price.

Marodyne Low Intensity Vibration Platform Review

In this video, I cover how to set up and use your Marodyne low intensity vibration platform.

Does Vibration Therapy Improve Osteoporosis?

I interview the scientist behind the Marodyne LiV, Dr. Clinton Rubin, about the technology and how it affects bone health. This is a deep dive into low intensity vibration therapy.

We discuss how low impact vibration can benefit your bone health, treat your osteoporosis and improve bone density and bone quality

You should set aside some time to go through it. Many people tell me that they watch the video several times as they find it very informative about vibration therapy and osteoporosis.

How Debi Uses Her Marodyne

Debi used a combination of exercise, nutrition, and low intensity vibration to reverse her osteoporosis. I asked Debi if she would share her story with you. She felt it was important that people know that you can do things to improve your bone health and agreed to a video interview.

Marodyne LiV User Stories

A number of women have contacted me to share their results from consistent use of the Marodyne LiV. On average, they have been using the LiV for a period of 18 to 24 months. Each of them has kindly agreed to share their results with you.

These results may not represent your outcome. In each case, the user has been consistent with the use of the LiV and follows a regular, well structure osteoporosis exercise program. Consistency and the passage of time are key to success. You may only make a quarter of the gains they have in 6 months.

Another thing I have observed is that LiV users tell me that it reduces their arthritis pain. You might also experience this benefit.

Here are their stories. For privacy, I only use each person’s first name.

Marodyne low intensity vibration plate user story

Laura: Supplementing Her Exercise and Nutrition

Laura was a client of mine in 2020. In 2022, Laura contacted me with an update on her progress since her last session. She is 61 years old and lives in California.

In mid-to-late 2020, I contacted you because I had a DEXA test that showed that I had quite bad osteoporosis. I never went on any pharmaceuticals, but I did invest in the Marodyne LiV Platform and have used it for almost two years.

I just had a second DEXA examination today. To my amazement, I had a 3.9% increase in my spine and an 8.7% increase in total hip BMD (bone mineral density). My spine went from -3.3 to -3.0. The total hip went from -2.6 to -2.2.

I thought you might be interested in knowing this since I haven’t changed much else. Every day, I walk and eat lots of leafy greens. I have a very clean diet and don’t take calcium supplements, as I prefer to get this from food. However, I take vitamin D, but that’s about it. I stand on the Marodyne LiV about 30 minutes a day, broken up over 3 sessions.

Laurie: Power of Consistency

Laurie reached out to me in late 2023 to tell me her story. She has followed me online for several years. Laurie is 68 years old and lives in Ontario.

I had a DEXA bone scan when I was 60.  My doctor verbally advised me that the scan did not show anything of concern.

In May 2022 (I was 67 years old), I had another DEXA scan and was shocked when it showed osteoporosis.

In June of 2022, I began Alendronate at 70 mg once a week. I started taking calcium supplements daily.  Unfortunately, I am prone to kidney stones, so I talked to pharmacists and naturopaths about my concerns and changed my supplement strategy.

In July 2022, I purchased the Marodyne LiV and started using it once and sometimes twice daily.

I walk 10,000 steps per day, use one and two pound weights for arm exercises to keep my shoulders moving, and stretch out my arms over my head.  A couple of times each week, I do chair squats and step-ups to open up my hips.

I have been diligent with my Marodyne LiV, calcium supplements, Alendronate, and walking.  Even when I had six weeks of terrible pneumonia, during February and March of 2022, I did not interrupt my routine.

My recent DEXA scans show bone improvement, except in my neck.  Recently, I have started doing two LiV sessions daily.

It took considerable convincing from both my GP (General Practitioner physician) and my osteoporosis arthritis doctor to get a second scan earlier than the three-year protocol. 

I am thrilled with my improvement. 

I believe success in improving bone health requires many things and none should be ignored.  My hope is that if my bone improvement continues, that I can discontinue the Alendronate eventually. Either way, I will continue the LiV, calcium, and exercise movements daily.

Thank you for being an educator on the importance of bone health.

Laurie’s Most Recent DEXA Results

  • DXA Lumbar Spine: L1-L4 0.873 gm/cm2, T-score -1.6, Z-Score 0.4 L1-L4
    T-Variability: 1.9
  • Lumbar spine therefore is represented by L3-L4 at 0.846 gm/cm2 equivalent to a T-score of -2.3 and a Z-score of -0.2
  • Comparison Most Recent: +5.4%
  • Least significant % change: 2.8%
  • Left Femoral Neck: 0.708 gm/cm2, T-score -1.3 , Z-score 0.4
  • Left Total Hip: 0.821 gm/cm2, T-score -1.0, Z-score 0.4
  • Comparison Most Recent: +4.7%
  • Least significant % change: 3.0%

Sharon G: Strength Training and LiV

We exchanged emails last fall when I was evaluating the Marodyne Vibration plate. Along with 30 minutes of fast walking daily and some almost daily dumbbell exercises I have used the Marodyne usually 3 times per day.

I just did a DEXA scan. Everything has moved into the osteopenia range with nothing now in the osteoporosis range. The lower spine bone density increased by 4.5%. The femoral neck went from -3.1 to -2.4.

I’m 74. My initial goal was just to stop further bone density loss. Now I’m giddy with delight and feeling just a wee bit, well, younger. Thanks!

Note: Sharon did send me her DEXA results which supported her statements. I decided to speak with her about the tests themselves. She had both DEXAs at the same location but with a different technician. She did notice that the technician rotated her legs inward on the most recent test. She had never noticed this being done in the past.

The difference in rotation can account for a small improvement (if her hip BMD has not changed at all since the previous reading).

However, it is definitely the combination of her daily fast walking videos, her daily strength training, and her consistent use of the Marodyne that improved her scores to such an extent!

Sharon K: Recovering From a Set Back

Here is Sharon’s story.

As you mentioned in your broadcast, you have received many emails concerning successful outcomes from using Marodyne.  This has prompted me to add my name to the list, as I just got my latest bone density results today.

In the 19 months since the previous bone density test, I was able to follow your exercise program diligently, along with Nordic walking and the Marodyne, for the first six months only.  After having a very bad fall from a standing position to flat on my back on packed ice, I spent several months with back spasms, unable to perform daily activities or even use the Marodyne.  An x-ray of my spine indicated an old compression fracture at L4 (which was already showing quite a bit of bone recovery) and a couple of endplate fractures. I have been improving gradually and am not in pain, but I still have many aches and muscle strains.  

I have been able to resume a great many daily activities but unable to resume a regular exercise program, other than stretching and spurts of Nordic walking, for the past year, mostly due to my back muscles being so tight and causing many compensatory issues throughout my body. I have been using the Marodyne three times daily for the last eight months. 
Given my lack of exercise and several months of inactivity, I was quite apprehensive about this test.  

My last test indicated both T-scores @ -3.5, with a high risk of fracture. I have never taken any osteoporosis medication and have been waiting for almost a year to see an endocrinologist referred by my GP.  Your comments on the broadcast encouraged me, and this was the case – test results showed the same T-score as 19 months ago for my femoral neck and a loss of 0.1 for my lumbar spine.  

I have written this lengthy report for two reasons: 

  • First, to provide more anecdotal evidence of the incredible results of using the Marodyne;
  • Second, thank you for guiding me to it and for all the instructional videos and interviews you provide.  Your generosity of spirit and life of service have positively impacted a great many people, of whom I am one. 

With much gratitude and many good wishes,


2023 Vibration Therapy Research Update

I provide an update on the latest research on vibration therapy.

Do Vibration Platforms Increase Bone Density?

In this extensive video interview, Dr. Rubin and I discuss low intensity vibration therapy. We cover a range of topics related to whole body vibration platforms and how they can be used to improve bone health and treat osteoporosis.

Dr. Rubin is a world authority on vibration therapy and whole body vibration platforms and their affect on health.

Further Readings